My First Project (Stage 1)

There’s no better way to learn than to throw yourself into your first project. After careful deliberation, I decided my first project would be transforming an old, well-worn paperback of mine into a beautiful hardback. One to be treasured for generations (perhaps a slight exaggeration!).

This was the book I chose, an old, battered, copy of Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers by Grant Naylor. Chosen, not just because it’s a great book, but also because I have two paperback copies!

With my project decided, the next step was figuring out how to actually do it. I have many books on how to make books, but none on how to convert a paperback to a hardback, so I turned to YouTube. I found a brilliant video from a channel called ‘Extra Cozy DIY.’ The step-by-step instructions were clear and approachable, exactly what I needed as a complete beginner

Step one: remove the cover. With one careful cut, I was committed—there would be no going back now.

No turning back now! Having removed the covers of my old copy of Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers

Step two: add new endsheet. Didn’t seem too hard, may need more practice at cutting but we got there. Now to leave it in a press for an hour. (I don’t have a press as of yet, so managed to improvise using wood and clamps)

This is how it looked after spending just over an hour in the “press”.

Red Dwarf Book with new edncovers

Step three: adding fabric to strengthen the spine. I probably over glued this one and made a bit of a mess, luckily it wont’ be seen in the end product! Something to remember for next time.

Step four: cutting the boards. I’ll admit, it was a bit fiddly! Getting the measurements just right and keeping everything neat took some patience. That said, I can already see myself improving when it comes to handling a knife and ruler. There’s something really satisfying about seeing each piece come together just right!

Step five: cutting the fabric and sticking it to the boards. Now this was incredibly fiddly and I can now see why having some scrap paper underneath the boards when gluing them may have solved the “glue all over my cutting board” issue! That being said, apart from a few choice swear words I managed to get the fabric attached to the boards neatly, without any disasters.

Step six: Putting the book as it is currently in my makeshift press for a while. I don’t currently own a proper press but have managed to cobble something together that involves two bits of wood and some clamps. Seems to do the job!

Thats all for today, next time I will continue with the instructions and add some decoration to the cover before attaching it to the book.


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